Wednesday, 30 August 2017

September - Bledlow

Date: Saturday 30th September 2017
Meet: Lions of Beldlow car park
Time:10.15am for 10.30am start
Length: about 5 miles
Route: circular route up a lengthy incline to the Ridgeway path, along the Ridgeway, good viewpoints before an extreme drop down to a path alongside the Princes Risborough Chinnor Steam Railway.
Terrain: rough my be muddy
Boots: advisable
Dogs: well behaved welcome but on leads if near livestock
Lunch: about 1.30pm Lions of Bledlow
Charity collection: Open Doors - In the UK and Ireland works to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

August - Cothill near Abingdon

Date: Saturday 26th August 2017
Meet: The Merry Miller, Cothill near Abingdon
Time: 10.15 for 10.30am
Length: about 5 miles

Route: Circular route exploring the Cothill Fen (largest area of alkaline fen in central England) visiting BBOWT’s Dry Sandford Pit, Parsonage Moor and Hitchcopse Pit Reserve.

Terrain: quite flat, a couple of high but sturdy stiles and one a bit rickety.

Boots: advisable, some muddy bits

Dogs: on leads in Dry Sandford Pit and Hitchcopse Pit Reserves.

Dogs: NOT ALLOWED in Parsonage Moor (dog owners could wait outside for the 15 to 20 mins while the rest go in.  Or arrange to do a swap with someone)

Lunch: 1.30pm at The Merry Miller

Charity collection: for Witney based charity Open Doors which supports Christians around the world who suffer for their faith.  In the UK and Ireland Open Doors works to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.

Hope to see you there!