Wednesday, 31 August 2016

September Walk - route to be decided

Date: Saturday 24th September 2016
Time: probably 10.30am
Length: about 5 or 6 miles
Route: TBD
Boots: advisable
Dogs: well behaved welcome
Lunch: at a pub, probably

Full details to follow as soon as possible.

Hope to see you there, wherever that is!

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

August - Rollright Stones

The only change to the details given in the previous blog is that we'll meet in the village hall car park over the road from the Salford Inn.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

August - Rollright Stones

The route hasn't been checked yet but if there are no problems the following arrangements should stand.

Date: Saturday 27th August 2016
Meet: car park The Salford Inn, Salford, near Chipping Norton
Parking: village hall car park or on street parking
Time: 10.15am for 10.30am start
Length: just over 5 miles with some inclines
Route: north from Salford to the Rollright Stones
Boots: advisable
Dogs: well behaved welcome and on a lead if animals in the fields
Lunch: about 1.30pm at The Salford Inn
Charity collection: Farmability, a charity that offers a rich opportunity for adults with autism and learning disabilities by working on a farm.

Hope to see you there!