Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Next Walk - January 31st 2015

There won't be a walk in December I'm afraid but keep checking here for full details of the walk on Saturday January 31st 2015.

Usual sort of arrangements:

Meet: about 10.00am in a pub car park.
Length: about 5 or 6 miles
Route: circular
Boots: very advisable
Dogs: well behaved welcome
Lunch: at the pub between 1pm and 2pm
Charity collection: to be decided

Hope to see you then!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

November Walk - Kingston Lisle

Date: Saturday, 22nd November, 2014
Meet: car park of The Blowing Stone, Kingston Lisle, OX12 9QL.  Tel: 01367 820288
Time: meet 10.45am to start at 11.00am
Length: about 5 miles
Route: circular from Kingston Lisle, section of The Ridgeway and Westcot
Boots: very advisable
Dogs: well behaved dogs welcome
Snack: water, and if you need it a snack
Lunch: about 1.30pm at The Blowing Stone

Hope to see you there!