Wednesday, 29 August 2012

September Walk

Date for next walk - 15th September 2012
Details to follow a.s.a.p.
Watch this space!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

August Walk - Wallingford

Wallingford Walk with train ride from Cholsey to Wallingford

Date: Saturday August 25th, 2012.
From: car park of Wallingford Railway Station, 5 Hithercroft Road, Wallingford, OX10 9GQ.
Meet:  10.30am to start at about 10.45am
Map Link:,mod%3D16&q=OX10+9GQ&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x487695fc686903e3:0xae890ff47eb0fbd9,Wallingford+OX10+9GQ&gl=uk&sa=X&ei=NGorUKbbGeOL0AW9ioDABA&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA
Route: From Wallingford to get onto the Thames Path the route passes through Winterbrook, nearby to where Agatha Christie lived.  From the river it then goes to Cholsey including a visit to the churchyard, where Agatha Christie is buried, before ending up at the railway station to catch the Heritage train back to Wallingford.
Terrain: The walk is flat with no stiles and uses tracks, field paths and quiet roads. 
Added interest: train trip on Cholsey and Wallingford Heritage Railway
Length of walk: about 5 miles long. 
Dogs: well behaved welcome, even on the train
Boots: advisable.
Lunch: bacon sandwiches at Wallingford Station tea room
Hope to see you there!